Hate to break it to you...but you don’t just wake up a video vixen!

Hate to break it to you...but you don’t just wake up a video vixen!


So thankful to our #cheekygirl @melangenyc for having this footage. This is exactly how it is waking up from anesthesia after your surgery. So many thoughts are running through like mind. Like ... who are these people yelling at me to wake up , stand up, ouch what’s that! , why did i do this ?  It’s like a 🚌 ran right over you! I’m laughing now but it’s no joke when it’s taking place. You’re forced to sit on your new painful booty in a damn wheelchair without your bbl pillow🥺. All you’re thinking about is where are the Percocets😂. I promise it’s all worth it in the end. Once you’re in that two piece in the summer it’ll all make sense. Meanwhile I’m just waiting on a quote for some more lipo ! Beauty is Pain. Happy Healing to the very brave @melangenyc . Can’t wait to see the final results! 👙 

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